Tuesday, April 19, 2011

pre travel continued...

I keep thinking about that big open blue sky we'll see as we're traveling from Hawaii to Bolivia. My mouth salivates with delicious anticipation.

When I was in the midst of completing my 30 before 30 list, it was all I could talk about for the 6 month period. I was focused, excited and driven. But over time, I also became a little self conscious that I had become a 30 before 30 list talking machine and that I would soon exhaust everyone around me… that someone would put a pillow over my head to drown out the noise. But I couldn’t stop. I was in obsessed mode.

Now I’ve got travel on my mind and it seems to be all I can think and talk about. It is always there, in my thoughts, permeating through every part of my life. I drive my car, and think about the busses we’ll be catching. I eat food and start to wonder what my favorite meals will be. I look at the sky and wonder how different it will look way over there.

But more than that, it’s my hopes, my fears, and everything that must be done that cycle through my mind at high speed. It feels like there is so much to do and know before we actually leave. How do people actually do this? I’ve been reading blogs from other travelers, but haven’t found the little details about the lead up. The neurosis involved.

My stuff…

As of now, all 3 jobs of mine have been alerted of my intended leave. I feel so incredibly lucky to have such great supportive employers. I can’t really believe my luck and feel a great sense of gratitude that almost makes me teary eyed when I really allow myself to sit with it. It also makes me feel incredibly guilty, but I try just to focus on how grateful I am. Each job will allow me to return and pick up work again. I don’t need to resign and reapply; I just get back and go back to work. How lucky is that?

I’m not sure of what to do with our place. We’re only gone for 3 months… which makes it hard. It’s not financially worth it to pay rent for the 3 months we’re gone. While Erik and I have found a nice home in this place, we’re also not extremely attached to it. But leaving and coming back essentially homeless does present its problems. We might be able to couch surf for a week or so with friends, but being a burden is not a comfortable thing for me, and the idea of scrambling to find a new place scares me. We will be desperate and being desperate has never fared well for me.

The idea of having that safety net of a home to return to is comforting. The idea of getting rid of so much of our belongings and simplifying, and then starting anew is refreshing. It’s hard to know which choice will be the right one. 

I’ve been putting off calling my landlord to alert her of our upcoming trip because I just don’t know what to tell her and I just don’t know what we want… 

And there's more... but I've rambled enough for today.

1 comment:

  1. Hmmmm.... well with 3 months extra rent in your pocket you could potentially come back to Hawaii and take your time living in a sweet house that costs twice as much for up to (you got it)3 months until you would have reached your "break even" point.
