Saturday, October 24, 2009
friday night's homework: incomplete
both would be awesome, but i would fly
Friday, October 23, 2009
thursday: invent a new ocean sport
it will start with a couple of crazy kids strapping baby water wings to their feet and then challenging each other to see who can stay standing the longest.
a couple challengers will be naturally good at this. from there, the challenge will change to racing each other.
friends will tell friends, and more and more people will try.
there will be makeshift competitions with cases of beer given out as prizes.
popularity will grow.
after some time, an entrepenuer will see $$ signs in his mind and develop and market special water running shoes which promise to make you faster than ever.
a commercial will be made using cool imagery, inspiring messages and a really handsome athlete.
people will dress up as jesus and race each other. this will cause controversy and end up on the news, thus further spreading the word about water running.
professional water runners will emerge.
paris hilton will date one of them and state "w.r.a.h!" (water runners are hot!)
a 5k to benefit the leukemia and lymphoma society will be held.
then a half marathon.
then a marathon.
p.diddy and oprah will train to compete.
and that is the story of the invent of water running.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
wed: a characteristic about yourself that your friends value
this morning i picked malia up before i went to work to let her borrow my car. on the way to work we talked about various things, one being the blog. she laughed and stated about how my last blog, where i first complained about erik's homework and then did it and seemed to get into it, was so typically me.
predictable: to declare or tell in advance; prophesy; foretell: to predict the weather; to predict the fall of a civilization.
friends capitalize on teasing me knowing the reaction they'll get.
they know that if they scare me i'll scream
if they come to me to talk, i'll listen.
if they need me, i'll be there.
if they have a problem, i'll offer help
that i love new experiences
if you dare me i'm likely to do it, even if i don't want to
i make sucker bets
if i can jump it i'll want to
that i'll usually need to be coaxed into things that involve spotlights
they know if i'm trying to explain myself i'll use an analogy.
and that i'll end this list here, semi incomplete and be fine with it
i think my friends value that they know me.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
tuesday night's homework: write about a future unusual pet that you like and why they are so special
i want...
i want to write amazing pieces. i want to figure out a way to string words together in such a way that make people pause. that speak to them. catch them. make them feel something they haven't felt. or maybe something they're needing to feel... pieces that feed one's soul. not in the chicken soup kind of way, but in a different way. a way that connects us all as humans.
i believe that our experiences while vastly different are often quite connected. and though the context might vary, i think most of us go through many of the same emotions. hope. fear. disappointment. happiness. excitement. nervousness. embarrassment. etc. etc. etc. i love writing about emotions. i love learning to understand them more. in myself and in others. i want to write pieces that feed the emotional sides of us. that both stir and soothe those parts of us at the exact same time.
that's what i want.
and it's scary to want something and not know if it's possible. attainable. i have no idea if i'm going to be the writer i want to be. i'm 30 years old and not off to the best start. and now with this ongoing writer's block, it feels like what little umph i had, has disappeared. but i've been here before. questioning myself. wondering if want and reality are on the same page, or if something's gotta give.
i remember while in the dating scene, time and time again i wondered if i'd ever find someone i connected with. loved. i searched for something that was missing. something i never had before, but believed existed. that something was both foreign and familiar.
this want to write. to be a writer. is like that. and it scares me to say it aloud, but it is my truth. it is my desire. and so i'm putting it out there...
but i'm way off subject. so enough rambling. it's time i get on with this homework assignment and tell you about my pet fronkey, floyd.
i found floyd while i was in peru. it was after i sucked it up, stopped thinking of my cuy as a pet and ate the damn thing. it was gooood. who knew guinea pig could be so tasty??
after that, i went for a walk to ease my stomach. my walk led down a dirt path and on that dirt path was an adolescent boy with a cardboard box full of fronkeys. i'd never heard nor seen a fronkey before. it was the most unusual thing to see these cross breeds of monkeys and frogs.
later, after returning to hawaii i learned that fronkeys were the experiment of some peruvian scientist who created these animals by genetically tampering with their dna. the experiment went well, but due to controversy, was forced to shut down. the fronkeys were scheduled to be exterminated, however, the night before their extermination someone broke into the facility and let the creatures escape. they ran off to the jungle and repopulated wreaking havoc on the environmental systems. this is currently a big crisis in peru. however, government officials have been trying to keep quiet about it, as not to deter tourism and put peru in bad light. currently there are tons of people who are trying to exterminate them, but others who catch fronkeys and use them for financial gain by selling them through the black market. and then there are the occasional people who sell fronkeys to unsuspecting tourists, like the kid i came across, on the day i met floyd.
anyway, back to my story... the box was filled with 3 small (about the size of chihuahuas) creatures shaped like monkeys, but with green fur, webbed feet, a long slender tongue and these big brown eyes that could make you melt. and melt i did the moment one of them (floyed) looked up at me.
i didn't think. i went off of pure instinct and knew i had to have him. it was as if, and i know this sounds crazy, we had met in a former life. he had been my pet once before. and i knew my mission was to buy him, take him home and care for him.
and so i did. it wasn't easy and involved a lot of risk and a lot of illegal activity, as fronkeys aren't allowed outside of peru. but with a lot of luck and good fortune on my side, i was able to pull it off.
adjusting to being a pet owner of a strange and exotic pet took time. i learned a lot about responsibility and taking care of living things, but it has been an amazing experience.
as for what's so special about this unusual pet. well, i could go on and on about floyd... he is the cutest thing. i love coming home to him happily swinging on the closet bar. and i also love the fact that he kills all of the bugs in the house including those big huge roaches that used to scare the crap out of me. he's also a great swimmer and extremely agile. and, i mean, come on, he's a fronkey! that in itself is special with a capital S. but to me, what makes him special is just that he's... well, him. and when he looks at me with those big brown eyes and that cute little green face, there's just no words.
this past weekend we celebrated his 3rd birthday. yes, i know i've become one of "those" pet owners that do weird things like throw birthday parties for their animals. but i just had to. and it really was more just an excuse to have some fun with friends. check out the cake! the decorator totally screwed it up by making it brown instead of green, but it's still pretty cute, isn't it ???

(photo taken from:
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
monday night's homework
feeling coy about cuy:
never in my life had i ever imagined that i would want to be a fat middle aged bald man.
and yet here i was in lima, peru staring at a dish that reminded me of a pet i had long long ago. suddenly the bold and adventurous andrew zimmern wannabe in me disappeared and all i wanted was a mcdonald's hamburger with a side of fries.

(photo taken from
**side note, actually i would totally eat that.
an unusual muse
i used to write.
i don't anymore.
i've stopped complaining about it because i've grown tired of my redundancy, but still, it's there. like a whispering shadow that follows me and reminds me. you used to be a girl that wrote.
i opened this blog last night. and the night before, and before. stared at the keyboard and tried to typed. did type. then erased. tried again. and again and then gave up.
last night when erik came home from work he found me close to tears venting to him about how i totally and utterly suck. that i've lost a part of myself. that i miss me. the me that wrote. he stared at me bewildered and gave me a look that said "i don't know what to do here. stay quiet or say something?" i shook my head at him, mumbled a little more about my eternal suckiness and then crawled into bed and pouted.
this morning he called excited to me to tell me his "idea." stating something along the lines of him enforcing a rule that i write for at least 30 min every night before i go to bed. no writing. no bed. i smiled at his effort and said something nice, but unbeknownst to him, i also rolled my eyes and thought "no." and then went down a series of thoughts about how men always need to fix things and that he just doesn't get it... it's not that easy. blah blah blah. more defeat.
however tonight when i came home i found this pinned to the fridge:
a list of my writing homework assignments.
mon: write about a food dish that you at on an imaginary trip that you took to any place you have not been before
tues: write about a future unusual pet that you like and why they are so special
wed: a characteristic about yourself that your friends value
thursday: invent a new ocean sport
fri: which super power would you pick? being able to fly or breathe underwater? and why?
sat: pick any object in the living room. imagine it comes alive at night hwen you are asleep. it goes out around town. describe it's typical night.
sun: you are a worker ant and have a crush on the queen. what is your plan to win her love?
aww. it took my breath away and made me crack up laughing at the same time.
the assignments are tough, and funny and downright odd and i really don't know if i'll be able to pull it off, but i love the thought behind them.
homework never felt so heartwarming.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
prelude to a haiku
in the midst of all my routine morning thoughts i found myself thinking about the concept of love and one person falling while the other catches them. while nice in theory, i think for me, when it comes to love i like the idea of instead having the other person fall right with me. no catcher, just us. two hopeful, excited, ring around the rosies, caught up in the moment, people falling. maybe never to be caught. maybe to enjoy the feeling of falling, falling, falling for as long as the drop may last.
i want you with me
not standing at the bottom
but here. fall-falling.