i flew home to maui this past weekend (5/22-5/25) to visit the familia and help my dad celebrate his 62nd birthday.
for the past 4-5 years my dad has been working on his dream house.
a couple months ago he and my mom finally moved into it. it's a magnificent house and going home this time felt more like going to some fancy hotel rather than actually going home.
i'm really proud of my dad. he started off his business with nothing more than a wheelbarrow and a hand mixer but from there continued to build and build. both his business and his life.
he and my mom remind me of that "easy street" song
http://www.imeem.com/shakilama/music/5rxHHuJN/hawaiian-reggae-easy-street/ if you've never heard it,click the link. it's a cute song.
one of the things i really admire about my parents is that no matter what the circumstance, or what our economic status has been, their focus has always been on having fun and making the most of whatever we have.
and truth be told as much as i love this new lavish house, the haiku house is still my favorite house that i've lived it. mostly because it hosts some of my fondest memories. from the chickens, cows, pet pig named muddy who later got turned into dinner (very sad story actually), and other farm animals, to the irrigation ditch behind our house that we used to play in and fish for crawdads and prawns... to fishing and diving weekly for food and picking fruit to sell to the juice companies. the haiku house was in my opinion, the perfect way to grow up.
i still remember as a little girl having to run and grab the pots everytime it would rain so that we could catch the drips. to this day, the sound of water hitting a tin roof is still one of my favorite sounds.
haiku house... a place where our early childhood memoires were born but, that being said. the new house is really cool too. it's big and pretty and when i'm in it i feel rich, and it's a weird feeling. almost like i'm an imposter in someone else's house.
keokea house... just a slight upgrade in addition to being all big and lavish, it's also got a farm feel to it which i absolutely love. we've got goats and sheep and lots of raw land that holds a lot of promise and potential. there's also deer, wild turkeys, pheasants and franklins.
it was so nice to wake up early every morning and breathe in the cool kula air as i drank my coffee, then run down to the pasture to feed the goats and sheep.

my herd
this is coco, she's my favorite of the bunch
my maui weekend went as follows... i arrived on friday night and hung out with my parents. the next day i played farm girl and then helped my mom prepare for my dad's birthday bbq. i invited tawny and sesa to come over. tawny is my dear friend i've known since the 3rd grade and sesa i've known since my sophomore year in high school. words cannot express the love i have for these girls. it was really nice to see them again.
both are amazing mothers, and tawny brought her girls (naia and ariel) and sesa brought her boys (nate and seth). the kids had a ball running around wreaking havoc. i had a ball watching them and enjoying their fresh young energy. it was cute to see tawny and sesa in their kids' features and personalities.
sesa, tawny and me
naia, seth, ariel-- such cuties
nate-dawg. so well behaved and polite
at one point i let the little one's have my camera and allowed them to take one "money shot" each.
ariel's "money shot"
seth's "money shot"
naia's "money shot"while i hung with the kids and tawny and sesa, my dad and his friends cruised out on the lanai. it's fun to watch my parents with their friends. listening to the banter, teasing and smack talking made me think a lot of my own frienships and how i hope they'll continue strong until my 62nd birthday and beyond.
wooden chopstick candle
what could he possibly be wishing for? he's already got me as a daughter heh heh ;)
the next day i visited my friend faith and her boyfriend and cruised with them down to the stretch of beaches between maalaea and kihei. faith had to meet up with some friends, and i was feeling quiet, so i took a long walk down the beach and tried to get a good shot of sandcrabs... no luck but i did make friends with a starfish.

star fishy friend
the following day i had to fly out in the morning, so my dad and i woke up early to make a birdhouse. one of my mom's complaints about the house was about the birdshit on the lanai, so we tried to remedy the situation. i learned a few things about skill saws the hard way, as i got suckerpunched by a flying piece of wood, while my dad shook his head. after that incident i left the cutting to him and took to gluing, screwing and painting.

a house for birds. plan to decorate it more when i go back
and that was that. my maui blah blah blah's... mellow. fun. heartwarming.