Monday, May 11, 2009

unemployment mondays

one of the jobs i work for lost a significant portion of it's funding due to the recession and the state's budget cuts. because of that, i've lost my mondays at work. it's a little scary, as it means i'm now out a good $500 or so each month, but i've decided that for all of may, i'm going to enjoy having my mondays off and then when june comes around, i'm going to buckle down and find another job.

and so today was my unemployment monday, and it was a great day...

my sister was in town b/c she was featured on the morning show on KHON. she stopped by with the opelu kala ceviche she made and as we ate breakfast, we conjoured up our plans for the day.

freshly made opelu kala ceviche

we started off with the mariner's ridge hike. it's another favorite of mine because it's relatively short, but it provides a good workout and it's got beautiful views. it was fun to do it with kimi today; though she's afraid of heights, i was able to convince kimi to take some on edge pictures.

rubbah slippahs. that's how we do em

ridge line

happy feet

end view

kimi enjoying life on the edge

after that we took a quick dip at sandys. the water was clean and beautiful.

and then, we went to sara's house and enjoyed some more ceviche, some ice cold primos that kimi had scored from doing the morning show, and a game of wii bowling (i lost).

sara just quit her job last week, so she's on unemployment mondays as well, and malia was able to stop by on her break between jobs.

all in all it was a great cruise session day. i'm looking forward to monday's for the rest of this may, and in the meantime if anyone hears of a part time job that seems like my kind of thing, please let me know! (thanks)


  1. i love unemployment mondays! this week i have unemployement tuesday, thursday, and weekend. lol. but i do have an interview on thursday, so cross your fingers! if i hear of anything for you, i'll definitely let you know. love ya =)

  2. You can come help an Auntie out at 'Umeke on Mondays! The kitchen isn't the best of times, but if you need the cash, you know how to reach me. :)
