Monday, May 11, 2009

a busy and lovely sunday

what is it that has me compelled to write about everything? i don't know. but here i go.

breakfast club:

i'm on a mission to find the best eggs benedict in town. i don't know how i got started on this, but for some reason i like these little missions. last week i went to Ryans with kira, chessa and laarni. today it was Lulu's with laarni, kira, aunty trudy (kira's mom) and andy.

my ruling... ehh. it was okay. i'd rate it a 5 on a scale of 1-10. it looks good, but in my opinion, Ryans was better, and i'm convinced there's even better out there. please let me know your suggestions, and if you'd like to join me in my quest.

half traditional, half crab cake benedict

go take a hike:

later in the afternoon i did the palolo/kaau crater hike solo. it felt soooo good. it's been a long time since i've done anything solo, aside from daily errands and cruising at home. the palolo hike is a favorite of mine... it was one of the first hikes i did when i first moved here. today was a gorgeous day to go hiking and it was nice to have time alone with my thoughts as i walked through nature's beauty.

second waterfall

plaque on top of the second waterfall... it's sad, but also kind of cool. i love how it says "the world was her neighborhood"

view of palolo valley... what a great valley

3rd waterfall

there's ka`au crater, but where are the boys? heheh (okay, cheesy joke, sorry)

mountain apple blossom

a new momma and a mother's day dinner:

after the hike, i quickly cooked and got ready and then went off to see Suegi. she had a beautiful little baby boy named Sage yesterday. congrats to her and Todd! it' s so exciting to see them take this next step. i wish i had pictures.

after that, i rushed over to garrett's parents' house for a sunday mother's day dinner. today i missed my mom big time. she and my dad are in vegas, and though i called, we did nothing more than exchange voicemails... it was nice to be with my surrogate family and enjoy a delicious dinner with them.

garrett's grandma was there, and i enjoyed talking story with her. she's 93 and really sharp. at one point talking to her, i felt myself getting choked up, as it made me miss my grandma so much. talking to her was interesting, she shared about being so old and feeling a bit ready to go into the next world, except, she knows she's healthy, and it's to be a while before her departure. it was interesting to hear her perspective. she's a happy lady, but i suppose she's been here long enough and she's ready for what's next. as i sat listening to her, i wondered what my thoughts would be when i am her age, given that i make it to her age. i also thought about possibly applying for a job at hospice.

and that was that... there's more actually, but this has already been too much.

happy mother's day all! i hope it was a great one.

1 comment:

  1. that does sound like a busy day! =)

    i had a really great lobster benedict at longhi's on maui once and it was awesome. i may have to join you one of these days, but i normally start work around 10, so if they're early let me know! =)
