Saturday I woke up to the sticky hotness of the summer morning. Desperately needing cool off and avoid wasting the day away, I went for a short dive with Erik. I've been wanting to go out diving with him for a while now, as he's an amazing photographer (you can check out his stuff here: ) and I'm hoping that in time, some of his skills might rub off on me.
He lent me his camera and let me have a go. It was fun, but I can tell already that it's going to be a long while before I master the art of underwater photo-taking. Erik took me to a secret spot that often has whitetip reef sharks chilling in the shallow, but yesterday we were out of luck. We did, however, see some small creatures here and there which was fun. The underwater world has always been fascinating to me, and it was even more so with a camera in my hands. Also, for the first time, I wasn't afraid to get close up to an eel... sure it was a baby eel, but still, I was proud of myself. The photos below are nothing great, but hopefully with more practice I'll get the hang of it.
Later in the day I went surfing with Laarni out at Cliffs. Summer is here, and that means waves in town as well as big crowds. Despite the crowd, it was a lot of fun, and a lot of exercise. I forgot my leash, so I got to practice both surfing and swimming.
After that, we got ready to head out to Boardriders Kailua to support Garrett, my sister's bf, and his band Potluck. It was a once in a ten year time event. Garrett and his friends used to rock out on a regular basis back in the day. Last night they did their first and last reunion show. Knowing Garrett as I know him (quiet and almost shy in moments) I couldn't imagine him as the lead singer of a once popular punkrock band. I kept saying to others "I'm so excited and curious to see this!"
My curiousity came to an end last night and I have to say, it was AWESOME. I was really really impressed. It makes me kind of sad that this was a one time event.
Also, it was eww worthy cute to see my sister swoon over her bf.
back through the tunnel into town (photo by laarni)
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