Friday, June 26, 2009


The first time I swam with dolphins I was about 6 yrs old. It was with my sister and it wasn't really swimming, more just floating as we held on to the side of the boat.

My dad owned at 13 ft Boston Whaler that he'd take us out on anytime he got the chance. On that particular day, my dad, mom, Kimi, and I all piled into that little boat, and headed out to the Lighthouse Islands, a favorite fishing spot. On our way out, we saw a large school of dolphins running with the boat, and Kimi and I excitedly shouted that we wanted to swim with them. My dad raced the boat up ahead, and told us to quickly put on our masks and jump in the water. He positioned us perfectly, and Kimi and I hopped in and held on to the side of the boat watching the dolphins as they passed through us.

It's a memory that always sticks out in my head as one of my favorite ocean memories. I swear I made eye contact with some of those dolphins and that they even smiled at me. And I can still remember with vivid detail, the look of Kimi's smiling face in her bright pink mask and the sound of the dolphins. I can also remember and our own sounds of excitement as we squealed in delight and tried our best to imitate the dolphins.
I'd be curious to know if Kimi has the same memory of this event as I do...

Anyways, fast forward to yesterday.

Ahhhh, big fat dopey smile, hand claps, sighs, jumping up and down, and more squeals of excitement.

Yesterday was pure bliss.

Yesterday is another one of those moments that will be forever ingrained in my memories.

Yesterday, Erik took me out to his dolphin spot to swim and take pictures and it was sooooooo much fun.

Whether I'm 6 years old or 30 years old, there is something about dolphins that has me giddy and excited past the point of any composure. That has me so happy I drool.

The night before, excited and hopeful, I continually turned to Erik and said "Ohhh, I really hope we see them! Do you think we will? We will won't we?? Please tell me we will. I really really really want to see them!!!"

He cautioned me about not being too expectant and gave me a quick lecture about the fact that I shouldn't have the attitude of going out looking for something, but instead, should just take enjoyment out of the day and whatever it would bring. He might have even said something about the ocean being filled of so many things both big and small and to appreciate it all. But I can't say for sure, because I wasn't listening.

Instead, I waited till he was done talking (or quite possibly, cut him off mid sentence) and continued my conversation... "We'll see them, right? And Do you think they'll like me? I love dolphins. I hope they love me too. I hope they want to play with me and get close to me. Ohh, Erik, I hope they like me, they will won't they???"

He rolled his eyes, groaned and then ignored me.

The next morning came and I again stated over and over that I really hoped we would see them. Erik gave me that "don't get your hopes up too high" look, again reminding me that we'd see what we would see.

I felt nervous with expectation.
When we arrived at location, I crossed my fingers as I looked out toward the ocean. Within seconds my eyes made out the sight of dolphins swimming and jumping from shore. My heart immediately jumped into my throat. I hugged Erik, thanking him profusely, while he laughed at me and said "but we haven't even gotten in the water yet." I then shot him a look, stated "see, I knew we would see them!" and then nagged him to hurry up as I got my gear on as quickly as possible, and he readied everything.
I was frantic with happy excitement.

The swim out to the dolphin spot was about 200-300 yards and as soon as we got in the water, I took off quickly. Occasionally looking back to see where Erik was, but being too excited to slow down and swim at an easy pace. He warned me not to burn myself out, but I couldn't help it. It was impossible for me to slow down.

Funny thing is, that as much as I was rushing, we made it to the spot at the same time, him calm, me huffing and puffing. I reminded myself of one of those drivers that speeds in front of everyone only to be stuck at the same traffic light up ahead.

And then we were there.

And so were they.

And it was so so cool.

Before I knew it, I was in dolphin soup. The water was churning with dolphins podding up and swimming all around us everywhere. I first saw then from above and then watched as they came into view underwater. Instead of letting them surround me, I chased after them quickly, trying to keep up, and get as close to them as I could.

It was such an amazing experience. Tons and tons of dolphins all around me. Dolphins jumping, swimming, mating and playing with one another. At one point, swimming behind them, I even got pooped on, and yes, even that, as gross as it may sound, was completely wonderful to me.

As time when by and my legs burned from kicking so hard, I learned to copy Erik and calm myself down and allow the dolphins and come and go as they pleased, taking shots of them when I could. Which actually allowed me to get closer and get better shots.

In moments, I completely forgot about my camera, too mesmerized by their beauty and playful spirits. And just floated, slack jawed, in complete awe.

It was soooooooo much fun.

And that's all. I want to write more, but it will all the the same thing.

Cool. Awesome. Amazing. Wonderful. Fun. Beautiful. Cool (again), Etc. Etc.

Ahhh, I'm so happy though. Still giddy and drooling and feeling so lucky.
It's an experience I hope everyone can have. Maybe not dolphins, per say, but any experience that has one filled with pure excitement and joy.

Okay, enought of my rambling. Here are some pictures from the day:

(Erik with a dolphin jumping in the distance)

(photo by Erik)

dolphins mating (bow chica bow wow)

me and my new friends (photo by Erik)

me again (photo by Erik )

descent (photo by Erik)

look closely toward the top of this photo and you can see the dolphin pooping

hiiiii little guy!

more dolphins. ahhhh.

close up. hiiii! again

light reflections

topsy turvey

Such a fun fun day.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Woeful complainy blah blah blahing

I'm way behind in my blah blah blahs... in the past couple weeks I've gone to Maui and Kauai. I've taken pictures of things underwater, laughed with friends, had pranks played on me at work and eaten good food. All blah blah blah worthy.

One should, in my opinion, never under estimate the power of blah blah blahs... They may seem little and insignificant, but they are the moments that make up the details of our lives. Like grains of sand contributing to the beach. Drops of salt water contributing to the ocean. Like breaths of air that give us life.

So easily forgotten, but so much a part of the whole.

I want to remember the little things as much as the big things. I want to find the same pleasure in the quiet easily missed moments as I do in the loud "I'll never ever forget this" moments.

But I've been tired and unmotivated and my blog is being neglected. I'm losing inspiration and feeling mundane.

Last night I had to write a piece themed "in search of..." I was disappointed as it didn't come out very well. I sent it in anyway, but cringed hitting the button. It was a shame. My whole life seems to be one big in search of game. I thought the piece would come easily to me.

The thing is, I don't quite know how to find whatever it is I'm searching for even when it's a search to find what I'm in search of.


I know.

Sometimes I lose myself too.

Today's woe- writing.

Yes, this is another blog about poor non-writing me. How many of these have I written so far?

The answer: too many.

If you don't like your current situation then change it.

Okay, but how?

One of my favorite writers, Jenn Hee, wrote this piece on her blog: I loved it. Loved losing and finding myself in it.

Like her, I miss writing the way I used to and I understand her sentiments about her blog. About how some things, as great as they were, just don't last forever, but still, you want to keep it going, and you try, but when a thing has run it's course, it's run it's course. Although, maybe Jenn wasn't really saying that, and it's just me sticking my stuff into someone else's words. Using her as an ally so that I don't sound so alone in my silliness.

  • cockamamie: ludicrous, foolish; "gave me a cockamamie reason for not going"; "wore a goofy hat"; "a silly idea"; "some wacky plan for selling more ...
  • pathetic: inspiring scornful pity; "how silly an ardent and unsuccessful wooer can be especially if he is getting on in years"- Dashiell Hammett
  • a word used for misbehaving children; "don't be a silly"
Is it cockamamie that I miss my myspace blog? Is it pathetic?

Wait. Don't answer that. I don't really want to know.

The misbehaving child in me, has to whine about it. I miss that old blog. My place for everything. My blah blah blahs, back when they weren't so focused in on actual blah blah blahs.

But really, more than that, I miss who I was when I had that blog and contributed to it on irregular whims. I miss waking up in the middle of the night with a sort of frenzy in my fingers needing to type out the things in my head. It didn't matter if what I wrote was good nor not, it just felt good to write.

My daily blah blah blahs, despite my beach and ocean analogy, are beginning to feel like exactly what they are. Blah blah blah.

We'll see though. I am moody, wishy washy and apt to change my mind a hundred times. I'm the girl who tries on 6 different outfits only to go back to the very first one.

Maybe I'll change this blog once again. Maybe it will be the Daily Blah blah blahs "and More." The "and more" could hold an infinite number of undefined possiblities.

Isn't it funny how two little words can make such a difference?

"I" is just me, but you follow it with two words and suddenly everything changes. It becomes a statement of one's being (I am tired). A promise of unconditional feeling (I love you). A knife with which to cut some one down with (I hate you). An ending (I am done.)

With two words we can change the world.

With 773 words we can create a longwinded complaining blog.

Ahhh words. Can you see why I love them so?

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Commercial Sunday

Malia has a gift for finding fun and random opportunities. Earlier this week she emailed the girls about an opportunity to participate in a commercial for Tenkaippin Ramen. Although I'm usually a little camera shy, I couldn't help but jump at the opportunity. One, I really like Tenkaippin's ramen and two, I thought it would be really cool to be in a commercial with a bunch of my friends.

So on Sunday I met Malia, Hazel, Chessa, Min, Kim and Wisa down at the restaurant. There were four other girls there and one guy, and we ate ramen, fried rice and gyoza as we filmed the commercial and caught up on each other's weekends. It was quite fun. I'm both a little scared and very excited to see how the commercial comes out.

just your average ramen shop filled with tons of girls

cutie pies hazel and malia

the lovely ms. chessa and me

chessa and i filled hazel in on "shakerface"

mmm... ramen

the entire crew

my girls